That’s me grilling some sausages on my an apartment’s terrace in Brussels. It was raining.

Code sharing in React & React Native apps

Michal Wrzosek
2 min readSep 8, 2019


(As of: September 8, 2019)

I recently was investigating how I can approach building simultaneously web and mobile apps in a most optimal way. At first I started a Lerna monorepo approach where I could have my shared package with all the code I want to share with web and mobile. But I quickly noticed that there’s a ton of issues bundling it properly and wiring it, especially with Expo/React Native.

My Solution

First of all, I think Lerna monorepo is a good way to keep web & mobile apps together. What I did a bit differently is that I would keep a shared package along web and mobile and just automatically sync (copy/paste) these files upon build process instead of compiling a real package of shared code.

Folder structure suggestion:
+ /packages
+--+ /shared
| +--- /src => all the contents are copied to other repos
+--+ /web
| +--+ /src
| +-- /shared <= pasted here
+--+ /mobile
+--+ /src
+-- /shared <= pasted here

In order to copy paste your code you can for example use something like sync-glob. Example:

# packages/shared/package.json:{
"devDependencies": {
"concurrently": "^4.1.2",
"sync-glob": "^1.4.0",
"scripts": {
"build:web": "sync-glob 'src/*' 'src/**/*' '../web/src/shared/' --delete",
"build:mobile": "sync-glob 'src/*' 'src/**/*' '../mobile/src/shared/' --delete",
"build": "concurrently npm:build:web npm:build:mobile"
"files": [

Then make sure you add shared folder in web and mobile projects to .gitignore so that you’ll not keep duplicated code.

Then, you can just import shared files like they would be in your project always:

# packages/web/src/App.tsximport React from 'react';import { SomeProvider } from './shared/context/SomeContext.tsx';export const App = () => (

What to share?

From what I see visual components for web and mobile are 2 different worlds. I think you should not waste your time building reusable visual components that you could use both for mobile and web.

What you could reuse is everything else, so all the containers, context files, providers, custom hooks, types, translations, and graphql queries/fetch calls.


I’m still experimenting with this setup. Let me know what do you think and if you found a better working solution.


Just keep your shared source code in one place and copy paste it to other apps upon build. Simple, stupid, yet it works and saves you a lot of time and nerves.



Michal Wrzosek

Senior Software Engineer currently on contract assignment @ Shell in Rotterdam, Netherlands